Invite Friends

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Invite friends and
enjoy reward together
Only available on OnePlus Store app

How does it work?

Take a look at rewards
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CA$15 off Coupon

Invite 1 friend to sign up, get CA$15 off for any products

Invite now

CA$20 off Coupon

Invite 2 friends to sign up, get CA$20 off for any products

Invite now

CA$35 off Coupon

Invite 1 friend to place an order, get CA$35 off for any products

Invite now

CA$40 off Coupon

Invite 2 friends to place an order, get CA$40 off for any products

Invite now
Frequently asked questions
What is Invite Friends?

Invite Friends is a program to earn some great rewards for inviting your friends to the OnePlus Store app. From the Invite Friends section in the OnePlus Store app, you can share an invite to your friends via text message or Instagram. This allows them to enter the Invite Friends section in the OnePlus Store app, and input your invite code to register, purchase and more.


How do I invite my friends?

It's easy. From the Invite Friends landing page, you can share the invite code using SMS and other social media channels.

What kind of channels can I share with my friends?

You can share your invite code using SMS or Instagram. Or copy the invite code and share it with your friends on other social platforms.

How can I receive my rewards?

Once invitees have completed the required steps in the OnePlus Store app using your invite code, you can receive the rewards. You can check your rewards anytime in the invite details.

Where can I check the rewards?

Your invitation information and reward summary will be displayed in the invite details. Coupons can be found in OnePlus Account-Voucher. Redcoins are located in OnePlus Account-Redcoins.


Why can't I invite my friends?

You may need to upgrade your OnePlus Store app version to [2.1.0].

Why can't I see my invite code?

Once you have signed in to the OnePlus Store app and qualify for the Invite Friends, you will be able to see the invite code.

Can I participate in Invite Friends using a PC?

Currently, this option is not available yet. Download the OnePlus Store app now to unlock even more exclusive campaigns and benefits.


Why can't I receive my rewards even if my friends have already signed in through the OnePlus Store app?

If Sign-up is not one of the available actions, you and your friends are unable to receive the Sign-up rewards.
If the invite code isn't claimed and used within the time limit, the rewards won't be delivered to your account. Please check the rules for more information.
If your rewards have reached the maximum limit, additional rewards won't be delivered to your account.

When can I receive my rewards after the invitees have signed up and claimed the invite code?

Rewards will be immediately added to your account. If there are no sign up rewards for the inviters, then the rewards will only be issued to the invitees' account.


Why can't I receive the rewards even if my friends have already purchased through the OnePlus Store app?

If there are no purchase rewards arranged for the campaign, then the inviters and invitees cannot receive any rewards even if the invitees complete their purchase.Similarly, if the invitees haven't made their purchase, then the inviters cannot receive any rewards.

When can I receive my rewards after the invitees complete their purchase?

Rewards will be immediately added to your account. If there are no purchase rewards for the inviters arranged for the campaign, then the rewards will be only issued to the invitees' account after order delivery.

Who can I contact if I have any questions?

Please contact the OnePlus Support Team for further information.