OnePlus Buds Z Steven Harrington Edition

OnePlus x
Go with the flow and set your music free
Steven Harrington
史蒂芬•哈林顿,一位居住于美国洛杉矶的艺术家兼设计师,其标志性的设计风格和“Mello”等角色在全球掀起了热潮。 Steven Harrington与OnePlus这次风格鲜明的联名,将他的个性表达带到科技界,解锁了新角色:“Cool Cat”。 此次设计延续了他神秘有趣又耐人寻味的艺术风格,鼓励了艺术家和观众之间的双向交流。
“Cool Cat”
OnePlus携手迷幻流行美学先锋Steven Harrington打造了以“Cool Cat”为视觉效果的OnePlus Buds Z。 引人注目的视觉,天马行空的耳机设计,搭配卓越品质的音乐为生活增添了一抹色彩。 这款限量版耳机配有10毫米动态驱动单元、Dolby Atmos和Bass Boost技术,使其音质和外观一样出色。
Every OnePlus project is approached with a Never Settle attitude. We celebrate the non-conformists and independent thinkers, which is why we created OnePlus Creatives+, a platform through which we collaborate with innovative artists and designers to merge great tech with great art.