1. Each user has 1 chance to participate.
2. You can participate in the contest from 18th to 20th March 2024.
3. Rewards include the OnePlus Watch 2, up to $50 or CA$60 OFF on the OnePlus 12 series Coupon, and RedCoins of 50, 100, and 200.
4. Winners will be selected at random. Contest results will be displayed on the page after your participation.
5. Prizes are valid for 30 days after claiming and no extensions will be given.
6. OnePlus team may contact you via email / SMS / WhatsApp to inform you about promotional & regular offers.
18. til 20. marts
1. Konkurrencen varer i 3 dage. Hver bruger får 3 chancer om dagen for at spille spillet.
2. En deltager vil vinde, hvis alle tre vinduer viser den samme belønning.
En heldig vinder vil vinde en Jackpot-belønning hver dag. Belønningerne for de 3 dage inkluderer følgende:
- OnePlus Watch 2
- OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones
Ud over dette kan deltagerne også få RedCoins i værdierne 50, 100 og 200.