RCC Day May

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1. Each user has 1 chance to participate.
2. You can participate in the contest from the 16th to the 18th May 2024.
3. Rewards include the OnePlus Buds 3 and 50 RedCoins.
4. Winners will be selected at random. Contest results will be displayed on the page after your participation.
5. Prizes are valid for 30 days after claiming and no extensions will be given.
6. OnePlus team may contact you via email / SMS / WhatsApp to inform you about promotional & regular offers.

You didn’t win anything. Better luck next time!
Your chances have run out
Your chances have run out for today. Please come back tomorrow!
How to participate in the event?
Please use your OnePlus mobile phone to link your device and participate in this RCC members exclusive event.
Please link your device and participate in this RCC members exclusive event.
Participation methods:
1. Open your OnePlus mobile phone and click on Red Cable Club from settings, click on the event banner and link device.
2. Scan the following QR code with your OnePlus device to participate in the event directly.
Tips: If you can't open the RCC page, please update your system version or upgrade your RCC APP, if you need further help, please contact OnePlus customer service.
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You need to register your device to join this check-in activity
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16. - 18. toukokuuta


1. Kampanja kestää 16. toukokuuta klo 0:00 UTC:stä 18. toukokuuta klo 23:59 UTC:hen.
2. Jokaisella käyttäjällä on 3 mahdollisuutta osallistua onnekkaaseen arvontaan toiminta-aikana.
3. Palkinnot sisältävät ilmaiset OnePlus Pad Go, OnePlus Adventure Backpack ja eri määriä RedCoinsia.
4. Onnenarvonnan tulos on järjestelmällisesti satunnainen.
5. Kaikkia palkintoja ei voi siirtää, eikä niitä voi lunastaa rahaksi.


OnePlus Pad Go
OnePlus Adventure Backpack
10-500 RedCoins

Onnittelut {{item.winningUserName}} ! Voitit tuotteen {{item.equityName}}
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Don't give up. Try your luck again!

OnePlus 12

OnePlus Negroni Tote Bag

1 RedCoins

100 € off over 1000 € on OnePlus Products

200 RedCoins

Mikä on Red Cable Club

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