Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
Expandable Storage
- 頁面上的產品圖片及內容僅供說明之用。實際產品 (包括但不限於外觀、顏色、比例及尺寸) 與畫面顯示內容 (包括但不限於背景、使用介面、圖片) 可能有所不同。
- 所有參數值均為在受控試驗環境下獲得的理論值,由供應商或 OnePlus 測試實驗室提供。實際性能或因個別產品差異 (受輕微的製造變化影響)、軟件版本、使用方式和環境因素而有所不同。請以實際體驗為準。
- All comparisons are made based on the performance of previous OnePlus Nord CE models.
- Screen simulation pictures may differ from the actual pictures of the device.
- Actual battery life is subject to various factors such as the network environment, features and applications used, call and message frequency, and the total number of charging cycles. Features and product availability vary across markets.
- Due to the real-time changes in product batches and supply factors, in order to provide accurate product information, specifications, and product characteristics, OnePlus may adjust and revise the text descriptions, picture effects, and other content on the above pages in real time to match the reality of the product performance, specifications, index, parts and other information. In the event that page modifications and adjustments are necessary, no special notice will be given. For the latest updates, please refer to the product page on oneplus.com.