Android 12 Developer Preview Program

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OnePlus 9/9 Pro
Android 12 Developer Preview Program
In collaboration with Google, we are happy to offer OnePlus 9/9 Pro users an early glimpse at the future of Android. With a combination of smooth software experience and powerful hardware, OnePlus 9/9 Pro is primed to get you started on Android 12. Now download the Android 12 Beta for access to some of the latest Android features, and get your apps ready for the upcoming update.
How do I get started?
Click on the link below to download Android 12 Beta on your OnePlus 9/9 Pro. And feel free to report any issues encountered.

What is Android 12 Developer Preview Program?
This program offers access to an early build of Android 12. It is targeted at early adopters and developers with relevant experience so that they can create and optimize apps for the platform as well as report early feedback. As the build is still in an early stage of development, we do not recommend flashing it if you have little experience in software development. Proceed at your discretion.
What's new in
Android 12?
What are the exciting new features and tools that Android 12 brings? Below is a sketch of major changes.
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