A Breath of Oxygen(OS): Co-Creating a Greener World

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A Breath of Oxygen(OS): Co-Creating a Greener World

Brand 2021-04-18
Since our founding in 2013, OnePlus has been known to Never Settle in building the best flagship smartphone possible. From the OnePlus One to the new OnePlus 9 Series, our intention is to co-create with our Community in making the best product possible and delivering it to consumers around the world. However, many don’t know that we take the same Never Settle spirit to ensuring sustainable business practices and are committed to fostering a healthier environment. It has been a core principle of OnePlus since the beginning and one we’re determined to continue to act on.

However, to build a greener world for tomorrow, we can’t do it alone. We need to do this together and co-create the world we want it to be, which is why OnePlus North America is issuing a challenge to its Community and fans starting on April 19th through April 25th.

What’s the challenge? Here are the details.

This Earth Day, OnePlus North America will partner with One Tree Planted, a non-profit with a mission to help global reforestation efforts. For every $1 donated to the organization, One Tree Planted plants...one tree. So how can we get a tree planted? All you have to do is help us by engaging in one or all the activities underneath, and we’ll make the donation! It’s that simple.

Campaign Activities Summary
Tweet with #BreathofOxygenOS
(Plant one tree)
Follow us on Twitter @OnePlus_USA and
tweet, retweet or share tweets with the
#BreathOfOxygenOS hashtag and we’ll 
donate $1 for each post
Share your best #ShotonOnePlus
picture of nature
(Plant two trees)


Tweet us at @OnePlus_USA your best photo of
nature – it can be trees, a garden, the shoreline,
or even your recycling bin!  Just make
sure you include the #BreathofOxygenOS
hashtag and we’ll donate $2 for every submission.
Oh, and one more thing, we’ll be selecting
one lucky participant to win a new
OnePlus 9 Series device.
Make a purchase on OnePlus.com,
make an impact
A portion of every transaction made on our
website during the week of April
19th – 25th will be contributed to One
Tree Planted. You buy more, we donate more.
Community nature-themed
Creative Wallpaper Contest
Head over to the OnePlus Community forum
and submit your best nature-themed wallpaper in
our Creative Wallpaper Contest to drive more
awareness. Learn more about it here.

The goal of the campaign is to donate up to $20,000 to One Tree Planted so together we can get 20,000 trees planted and make this world a greener place. Can you help us?

Who’s One Tree Planted?
One Tree Planted is a non-profit organization that creates a way for businesses and individuals to protect biodiversity and promote reforestation by planting trees. For every $1 donated, a tree is planted in a region in need of reforestation. In 2020, One Tree Planted raised enough funding to plant over 10 million trees and that number continues to grow this year. We urge everyone to visit One Tree Planted to learn about the many ways for you to help the cause.

How OnePlus is Contributing to Sustainability
At OnePlus, we know that the work it takes to intersect high quality innovation with environmental protection is infinite. We are continuing to educate ourselves on how we can implement better practices to achieve environmental conservation and sustainability and have taken significant steps in working towards this greater goal. Here’s just a few ways:

Planting the Seeds Today for a Greener Tomorrow
Working with One Tree Planted this Earth Day is just one way OnePlus plans to continue striving towards positive environmental impact. OnePlus is working diligently to implement more efficient strategies and standards throughout our facilities to ensure that we are protecting the planet, while still delivering high quality products and experiences to our customers. Stay up to date with our collaboration with One Tree Planted this week by following our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, or visiting OnePlus.com