100 Day No Regret

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OnePlus 115G
A performance powerhouse.
Starting at $699.

Frequently asked questions
Q: How do I return my OnePlus phone?

A: If you decide your new OnePlus 11 phone isn’t for you, come back to this site within 100 days of your delivery date to start the return process. One we receive your return request, you’ll be provided with a prepaid postage label via email within 5 working days. Then, simply send your phone back to us within 15 days of receiving your return request approval email.

Q: When will I get my refund?

A: It can take up to 7 working days for your phone to be inspected by our technicians.

Once our technicians have checked your phone against the terms of this promotion, we'll send you an email letting you know that your return has been successful. We will then process your refund within the following 30 days. Digital Visa prepaid cards will be issued via email from support@oneplus-promos.com and PayPal transactions will be sent straight to your account.

Q: What is the Return Criteria?

A: To be eligible for a full refund, your OnePlus 11 phone must meet the following Return Criteria:

·Complete with its original packaging (including charging cable and block).

· In full working order and undamaged (minor scratches/reasonable wear and tear acceptable).

· Battery which allows the device to run under its own power for a minimum of 15 minutes and any other accessory to allow the relevant device to power on.

· Unlocked, with all passwords removed and wiped of any personal data.

Q: What is reasonable wear and tear?

A: To be eligible for a full refund, your phone must be undamaged with no visible chips or cracks.